Good Samaritan Law
Don’t Run, Call 911
- Approximately 91 Americans die each day from an opiond involved overdose.
- From 2000 to 2015, more than half a million people die from a drug overdose.
- Opioids such as heroin and prescription pain killers have killed more than 33,000 individuals in the year 2015 alone.
The Good Samaritan Law
This law protects victims of a drug overdose and the people looking to help them to be legally protected from arrest or liability. Pharmacists who dstribute naloxone to theose at risk of an overdose are also protected under the law.
What is Naloxone?
Naxlone is a non-abusable medication that blocks the effects of opoind drug overdose. Naxolone’s effects reduce respiratory distress and restore breathing in the overdose victim.
Since August 2013
Nearly 7,000 overdoses have been reversed in North Carolina. More than 46,000 naloxone kits have been distributed to organizations and community members across the state.
In North Carolina
- Four people die each day in North Carolina from an opioid overdose.
- North Carolina has 4 of the top 15 cities most affected by opioid use, with Wilmington being the top in the state.
- In 2005 there were 642 opioid related deaths in North Carolina; that number drastically changed to 1,110 in 2015 – a 73% increase.
Signs of an Overdose Include: