Local Recovery & Treatment Resources

Methadone Clinics

Detox Admission

Substance Use Services

Twelve Step Programs

Crisis Help

Syringe Exchange Program

Good Samaritan Law

Don’t run, call 911. The Good Samaritan Law protects victims of drug overdose and the people looking to help them to be legally protected from arrest or liability. Pharmacists who distribute naloxone to those at risk of an overdose are also protected under the law.

Naloxone saves lives. You do NOT need a prescription to purchase naloxone at a pharmacy. 

Start Your Recovery

StartYourRecovery.org is a free, confidential tool that helps individuals take steps toward a healthy relationship with drugs and alcohol. It was developed with the input of leading clinicians, experts from leading organizations like SAMHSA, and people in recovery themselves. Here, individuals can hear stories from people with similar life experiences, discover the answers they need for recognizing and dealing with substance use issues, and locate support. Family and friends can learn about addiction and how to encourage treatment and support sober living on the website.

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