2022 Parent Survey

In 2022, PCCSU conducted a survey on parents living in Pitt County with children ages 12-20 as a part of the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act (CARA) Local Drug Crisis Grant. The goal of this survey was to determine current parental awareness and use of existing disposal programs among the parents of youth in Pitt County. The survey included the following topics:

●  Perception of harm on alcohol and prescription opioid misuse among youth
●  Approval of alcohol and prescription opioid misuse among youth
●  Parent and child communication related to alcohol and prescription opioids
●  Perception of the community’s thoughts and actions involving alcohol and prescription opioid misuse among youth
●  Parental monitoring and securing alcohol and prescription opioids in home
●  Perception of alcohol and prescription opioid misuse among teenagers within the community


View the final survey results below.

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